Saturday, November 28, 2009


study until half dead ady..almost finiz all the tough papers...still have the objective papers..but must work hard aso..becoz..the 1st paper for every subjects ady 'die'...haizz...wat the life im having now!!!regret regret regret~~~T.T

anyway,wat can i say hard for the following papers lo..haiz...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bye bye~~

Inactive for 4 months~~~dun feel like updating blog coz exam is getting nearer and nearer..i think tis is the time to stop all the activities 1st including surf internet..

anyway..bye everyone..see u all after 4 months here..^^

wish me good luck in STPM oo~~hahahaha....

Saturday, July 18, 2009


2day..reached school around 930am..maybe is wanna see him so reached school quite early..hehe...^^actually i was quite scare..bcoz wat i aso dunno how to do..i dunno wat can i help in the basketball 3 0n 3 competition..den i became the time keeper..haha..^^quite fun leh..i lik tis job..=)1st time see so many teams..and most of the team 's name quite funny leh..hehe..creactive..

erm..observed many things 2day..some players quite potential in playing basketball..ecspecially da lower forms..u all gambateh oo..^^btw..the way they talkd really rude oo..but its ok for me..wad they said quite fun also..hehe..and 2day..i tot he will scold the players de..but he din oo..^^he smiled all the time..and aso a very good leader..=>

btw..his leg pain few times 2day..walked too much rite??i quite worried lorr when i saw it..take good care of ur leg arr!!^^ lik become a good observant liao..observe all the time..hehe..not bad aso..and of coz observe him all the time eyes alwiz look at him de..very weird lorr..haha~~

after finiz the competition at around 130pm..den we went to purple cane to take our lunch ..hehe..stay at there for 3 hours leh..hehe..we played and talked there..den we went home around 430pm..but b4 tat we saw many cutie pets at the pet shop lehh..we walked in there and hav a look there..i felt uncomfortable bcoz the workers alwiz stared at me..very weird leh..i walked out the shop wif jun..OMG!!a malay fella walked close to me den molested me leh!!!!wtf!!!really unlucky lorr!!haizz...i shud scream and let ppl noe de!!!i juz told 4 of them oni..haizz..suan larr..wad to time be careful can liao!!i got experienced b4 in my form 4 and 5 time..think baq of the incidents and felt quite scary lorr..haizz..

went to jogging juz now..very tired err..oni jogged for half an hour..bcoz my housing area here was very silent and got many dogs so i went home lorr..hehe..

wanna do my stuffs oo..ciaozz...^^

Friday, July 17, 2009

wad happen to me??haizz......

again........again........i told myself thousand of times...muz not hav a good feeling to any boys is the time for me to concentrate on study..becoz only leave 123 days den will be our STPM!!but........i hav some special feeling toward a guy trying to get over it..put tis thing aside 1st...but..i cant control myself...wad to do!!GOD!!help me!!i dunno how he think of me..really hope to noe..i felt jeolous everyday ecspecially see him and her playing around..haizz..and also hope to noe who he lik now lorr..

i think too much larr..shudnt think all this things now..muz muz muz CONCENTRATE on study!!!!!anything after STPM oni say larr..i can de!!!i trust myself!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

双鱼座~(his horoscope)^^

看看现在铺天盖地的关于双鱼的各种传说,分析,解释。似乎无一例外的把双鱼当作了一个女人的星座,动不动就是流眼泪,唉声叹气。可惜可叹,如果双鱼真的只是这样的一个星座,那么可以说没有一个人愿意去做双鱼,而历史上也不会有什么著名的双鱼人物了。现在让我还给你一个真实的双鱼座。最本质的部分:思考双鱼座的最本质特点是什么?善良?懦弱?温柔?不是,我告诉你,是思考(在很多情况下,是过多的思考)。是的,双鱼座的一切特性,都来自于他过多的思考,或许世上没有第二个星座比双鱼座更能洞察别人的心理,更能分析事情的本质。你可以称之为敏感,但是一旦这种敏感能够正确的使用,那么没有人能比双鱼座更快的学会人情事故,在这一方面,有一个双鱼座的伟人做的尤其出色,他的名字是周恩来。因为思考的太多,所以双鱼座的人就算不是真正善良的,也至少是表面善良的。对于双鱼来说,善良与其说是本质,不如说是双鱼喜欢的一种生活方式,以善良的方式活着,是轻松而又受人尊敬的,一般的双鱼座很早就能洞察到这一点.再谈谈温柔,这一点,不管是哪篇文章,都不会忘了提双鱼座的温柔。是的,双鱼的确是温柔的。因为双鱼总能敏感的体会到对方的细微变化,时刻了解到对方心意的转变,表现在行动上,就是能尽快的知道,什么时候应该为女孩披上自己的外衣,什么时候应该停下手里的活,转过身去和女友好好的说话。与众不同的部分:信仰:双鱼的信仰就是没有信仰!在双鱼的世界里面,没有绝对的对和错,如果发生了一件事,他第一件做的事情是去理解这件事,去分析这件事,而不是去判断这件事是对的还是错的.下面引用一段话说明双鱼的这个特点:'鱼座男人没有偏见,没有亲自穿著鹿皮走几哩路,他不会评断印地安人;没有试试赤脚走路,他也不会评断裸体主义者。甚至这些做了,他还是会满心谅解而不会过于批评。他很少冷酷的指控,倒是每每温暖的忍耐,他甚至会试试了解他的岳母,天底下有几个男人能这样?海王子拥有罕见的同情精神,他的朋友向他吐露秘密而从不担忧会把他吓著,要吓到鱼起码需要两吨以上的炸弹。如果你和我以及你的鱼儿三人同坐一室,一个男人走进来告诉我们他有些担忧,因为他重婚,在四个州各有一个老婆,你可能眼睛瞪得大大瞧他,冒著火,心想监狱是最适合他的地方,我可能鄙夷的说他是个卑鄙的流氓,但你的鱼儿很可能问:'那四州?你爱不爱她们其中任何一个?'鱼很好奇,但防震。对他来说,这个家伙需要一缸子同情以及好得要命的律师。有一位伟人利用了这点特性,结果成就了科学史上的神话,他就是爱因斯坦.双鱼的致命缺点:懦弱.现实中的双鱼座确实给人太多的失望,懦弱,多疑,自卑,优柔寡断,没有主见.....一个双鱼座或许没有上面全部的特点,但至少会有一,二个。就算是伟大如周恩来,有时候难免有些优柔寡断和没有主见,当然,这种时候不多。造成双鱼座优柔寡断的原因很简单。因为同样一个选择,在一个射手看来,只需要考虑2样东西,但是在双鱼看来,却需要考虑10样东西,因为他想的实在是太多了。简单的说一句话,双鱼都会想到它会给周围的人带来多少种不同的影响,它会让人对自己有怎么样的看法,会不会造成误解。(虽然很多时候,双鱼会冲动的把一些话脱口而出)至于多疑,这点和自卑联系的比较紧密。虽然双鱼座能轻易的了解对方的意图,看透事情的真相,但是却往往不能坚持住自己的观点,这种不能坚持大多数是因为双鱼座自己不愿接受这个事实,也有很多时候是因为双鱼对自己不够自信。关于前一点,比较突出的一个例子是,双鱼座的女孩不到男孩子直截了当的告诉她,他不爱她了,女孩就总是还抱有一线希望,虽然女孩心里明白的很。懦弱呢?关于这点,和信仰联系在一起。你一定觉得很奇怪,懦弱和信仰又有什么关系呢?信仰是种很可怕的力量,他可以让一个人做出平时不敢做的事情,拥有不该拥有的勇气,牺牲不该牺牲的东西。而双鱼恰恰是没有一丁点信仰的,就算有,也不过是为了给生活加一点调味剂,或是给自己找一个避难所。对于双鱼来说,自己能过舒适,安稳的日子,比什么都重要。富贵如浮云,最想的开这点的就是双鱼座了。至于爱国什么的,酒饱饭足的双鱼可以慷慨激昂,也会不惜重金施于,但是只是建立在自己有好日子过的前提下。接下来,可以解释下双鱼的懦弱了.只要能让自己和爱人平平安安,有什么不可以忍受的呢?什么尊严,什么气节,见鬼去吧。所以只要不把双鱼逼到绝境,你尽可以嘲弄双鱼的懦弱。每条鱼的忍受范围都不同,但一般都比正常人多那么一点点。但是如果你不小心让一条鱼觉得无路可走了,那么你真的要小心了。鱼可以践踏人间一切法律,无视所有道理,更不会考虑自己的尊严和人格。你务必要相信这一点,虽然这种时候很少,但那只不过是因为上帝不想让人们经常看到地狱的惨状.双鱼的最大优点:感情> 与其说双鱼是个为爱情而活的星座,不如说双鱼是个为感情而活的星座。对于双鱼来说,世界上最重要的东西是感情,一条精神上满足的鱼,可以没有其他东西,就已经是最幸福的人(当然,绝大多数情况下,没有其他东西,很难精神上满足)。任何感情对于双鱼来说都是重要的,爱情很重要,但不见> 得会比亲情更重要,在双鱼的眼中.对于鱼来说,感情是单纯的,是单独的。鱼可以原谅对方的一切,只要那个人是真心对他好的。你可以十恶不赦,可以吃喝嫖赌,可以之前是人尽可夫的妓女,可以是个卑鄙无耻的骗子,都可以原谅,只要鱼能确定你是真心的喜欢他,对他好。但是请注意一点,大部分的鱼都比你聪明,不要以为你的小伎俩可以骗到鱼,你是不是真心喜欢他,他比谁都清楚。对于一个男孩子 来说,双鱼女孩能给你对于一个女孩子想要的一切,温柔,爱你不顾一切,可爱(很多时候是装的,鱼大多数是很聪明的),体贴...对于一个女孩子来说,双鱼男孩....嗯.....>看你的运气了,如> 果你遇到的鱼是个没有志气,不想做事,玩玩乐乐的鱼,而且他已经25岁左右了,那么好心的提醒你,还是尽早离开他吧。除非你是个富婆,或者你只是找个情人(没有人比双鱼更适合做情人了:安全快乐而无副作用)。否则,你会经历世间最凄凉的婚姻和生活,阿门 那么如果你遇到的鱼是有事业心,能上进,肯做事的鱼,或者干脆就是事业有成的鱼,那么真的是恭喜你,你是千万少女中最幸运的一个,再挑剔的女人也无法对一个有上进心有事业的鱼有更多的要求了。你可以得到世界上一切的温柔和快乐,包括用钱买的到的和用钱买不到的,鱼很乐意把他的一切奉献给他爱的人,看到他爱的人开心,他会更开心。大部分的鱼的'一切'仅仅只有感情,而没有物质,但是我们现在讨论的是最优秀的那种鱼,那种能随时把名望和财富送给你的鱼,现在你知道你有多幸运了吧。提到感情不得不提的:公平..很奇怪吗?> 公平对于双鱼来说,是个很重要的单词。双鱼没有普遍意义上的价值观,是非观,你不能用这件事这样做是对的,那样做是错的来说服一个双鱼座。永远记住,鱼的世界里很少有对错。那么鱼又是怎么来处理他和别人(尤其是爱人的关系)呢?> 就是公> 平。如果鱼曾经有过十几,二十个女朋友,那么他就不会在意你以前有过多少个男朋友,如果鱼一个不小心跑出去玩了一夜情,那么你一夜情的时候,他也会选择无所谓。 3 真> 实的双鱼座!超准剖析!好吧,就算你的鱼纯情的一塌糊涂,你是他(她)的第一次,他也可以原谅你的曾经花心,一时花心,可能会的花心,只要你能用足够的关心和真心的喜欢弥补。鱼大致兑换了下你的关心(兑换比例只有天知道了,呵呵),如果觉得双方大致公平的(相对于他对于你的感情付出),那么他就无所谓,就会原谅你.所以和鱼相处是件很简单的事情,只要你能保> 证你给他的和他为你付出的差不多多,就可以了。至于伦理道德嘛...嗯,讲真的,鱼从来不是教条主义者。反过来,如果你让鱼觉得你对他的关心不够多,对他的爱不够多(不够多是指没有他给你的多),那么鱼会在痛苦之后,也相应的减少对你的关心和爱,不要怀疑,这方面,鱼比谁都表现的现实和斤斤计较.感情中的完美主义>鱼在意的东西很少,所以很不幸,鱼对于他在意的东西就是完美主义者的态度。> >对于鱼来说,完美的情人不是忠贞不二的情人,不是事业爱情兼顾的情人,也不是外形完美的情人。鱼要求的是'完美的爱'。> >> 你可以不经常说我爱你,但是你说的时候,一定要是真心实意。>>你可以很少陪他逛街,但是你陪的时候,一定要是真的> 开开心心。>> 你也可以对他说很少的情话,但是你要保证,你对别人说的情话更少,而且你对他说的是真心的话。>>>对于鱼来说,欺骗和做作是最不可原谅的。很多人以为简简单单的> 对鱼说几句我爱你,固定性的发些短信问候鱼,经常为鱼买些好东西就能让鱼觉得被爱了。真不幸,大部分鱼都聪明过了头,一般都能轻松辨别那些举动是真心的,那些不过是手段(如果你曾经用这些手段征服过双鱼女生,也别得意,只不过是双鱼女生比男生更难以拒绝别人而已)。所以,请诚实一点对待鱼,爱他多少就给他多少,他也会给你同样多。这至少比他生你的气好的多,不是吗?双鱼真的浪漫吗?所有的星座解释都会说双鱼是浪漫的,但是所有和双鱼(特别是双鱼男生,一般浪漫都是指男生做的事情)接触过的人,都往往感觉不到双鱼的浪漫,到底是为什么呢?难道双鱼并不浪漫?我给你> 个肯定的答案,双鱼绝对浪漫,他脑子里面的浪漫点子不仅包含了所有好莱坞大片的经典场景,还有更多他自己的原创镜头,他时不时的都在幻想浪漫的场面,一个鱼可能在他18的时候就开始想他30岁结婚的布置。那么为什么现实中是两样呢?因为2点,自卑和善良.前一点很好理解,大部分的浪漫需要自信。很多时候,不是鱼不想浪漫,而是不好意思和没胆子那么做,你能理解是吧,呵呵。那么自信的鱼呢?为什么他也不浪漫?因为他没有遇到合适的人,因为他善良。双鱼的爱情大部分是有些被动的。鱼总是轻易的喜欢上一个女孩子(注意,我用的单词是喜欢),然后开始和这个女孩开始交往,然后十有八九,会发现这个女孩不是能给自己完美的爱的女孩(这是肯定的,遇到最合适自己的人哪有那么容易),鱼很现实的知道,他和这个女孩不可能有将来的,2个人能拥有只能是一段回忆。那么对鱼来说,绝大部分的情话都会说不出口,因为鱼自己知道这些话都是骗人的,很多浪漫的举动做不出来,因为鱼不敢让女孩陷的太深,怕分手的那一天女孩太伤心。很多人说处女,金牛的人想的多,其实鱼想的并不比他们少,只不过犹犹豫豫又舍不得的鱼,就算明了的知道和女孩没有将来,也不会点破,只会静静的维持,享受拥有的每一天。但是这样的情况下,鱼的善良就让鱼忍住了很多浪漫的情话和行动。我这么说是不是显的鱼很高尚?呵呵,没有什么真正高尚的人。鱼能如此的为女孩着想,是因为这么做能让鱼觉得自己很伟大,有一种悲剧式的美感,鱼愿意让自己沉浸在这种自我的意淫中.当然,这样至少比不顾别人的死活,只图自己开心要好的多是不是?> 所以还是应该为鱼们鼓鼓掌的.所以,如果有一天,你看到一条浪漫无比的鱼,不要怀疑,他已经认定你们有个美好的未来,他已经知道他不会给你太多的伤心了,那你还犹豫什么?上去拥抱你的幸福吧.结语:什么样是好的双鱼?双鱼有很多缺点,但是大多数都可以原谅。除了2条,懒惰和犹豫.而双鱼要成为一条好鱼,所需要的东西很简单,事业。其实不用去提醒鱼们其他的事情了,他们自己都能想明白。只需能保证鱼能稳步进行他们的事业就可以了.一旦鱼用心去赚钱了,那么他肯定能赚到钱。但是这一点很难,真的很难,如果有一天,你看到一条生龙活虎的鱼,千万不要放过,好好的捆住他,很有可能,他会带给你所有的梦想.


年轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强理智承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想,他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。      魔羯相对任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺点,但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指出.     朋友(最喜欢装傻的星座)  魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一个聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍惜些朋友。   他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就想考虑好如果对方为什么会这样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了.魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。     感情(超级白痴) 魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一个人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成功后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出'我爱你'或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝对不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯一能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。   当自己努力的去让自己所爱的人幸福的时候,自己所爱的人却因为其他的其他离开了他,而到最后自己却不明白自己到底做错了什么,真是可怜的家伙们.

Monday, July 13, 2009


2day early in the morning quite nervous wei..bcoz we still haven noe the chinese singing competition's result ma..very disappointed lorr..T.T only got 4th place..cant even get 3rd..was my fate..haizz..2day whole day quite emo..suddenly sad den hepy..wat's wrong wif me arr??haizz..btw..mbs idol in group de 2nd audition was held after skol..very scare lorr..we haven practise well den go sing ard..OMG!!really sing not very well lorr..haizz..and..whole day being affected by "him" lorr..cant concentrate in the class..cant eat well..lik every minute also think about him..GOD!!HELP ME!!=="

after tat..when returned to the class..i was cried..i cant tahan ard..den cried in front of really useless larr!!cant tahan the stress tat i'm facing 2nd brother..sick for few years his condition even get really worries leh!!but..bside worries..wad more can i do!!huh!!gok gok...u dun lik tat larr..u muz gambateh arr!!ur sister, im alwiz be wif u..anything happen to alwiz beside hepy k??jia you...!!

btw..thx u guys supported us u all oo..@@

Saturday, July 11, 2009


huh..very tired went out at 8am and reached home around 1am morning leh..i went to skol wif my mum bcoz 2day was academic's mum took my report card..OMG..1st time let her see my report card after entering to study form so sorry, mum..everytime told u tat i will study well,will be very hardworking..but..haizz..end up wif tis kind of to promise u the last time!!i will study well!!trust me k??

went to tuition atfer took the report card..before tat we went to take our breakfast..erm..talked something secret..haha..erm..dunno y lik quite care about a guy now and he is lik alwiz on my mind..will u think of me??i will try to stop myself for thinking him de..bcoz..i dun think tis is the time for me to think tis..and..of coz not dare to 'approach' him..haiz..dunno larr..dont think too much larr..take it easy~=>

then we went to ts to hav our lunch..erm..TEPANYAKI..not bad larr..but the taste weird weird de..hehe..i bought a new pair of shoes..and a t-shirt..really cant tahan lorr..lik many many stuffs..haizz..use a lot of money lorr..muz control myself liao..hehe..den went to gathering lehh..hav fun!!haha..we celebrated xiao yeng's birthday oo..^^all of us got 17 ppl..not many larr..but really fun oh..we went to 'tan cha gok' to take our dinner..hehe..some of them really long time no see ady..erm..all become leng zai and leng lui liao oo..@@

here are some photos we took yterday nite..enjoy ba~hehe...=)

level 26~haha..half of it i played myself..geng leh??

birthday girl..sweet..^^

all of us..^^

nice nice~@@

to u all...not couple k...=="

tis pic let me think baq our form 5 tat time..4 of us alwiz took pic 2gether

im very cham lorr..bully..sob sob..

yoke ling n i^^

leng lui~~@@

time to go luu..wanna study awhile den practise songs luu...2molo mbs idol 2nd audition..muz pass oh!!!gambateh!!^^

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fulfilled my task~

tis week made me very worried..haizz..busy choosing songs for 2day's chinese song competition..dunno wad song to sing..think for 3 days ard..really made ppl worried de..somemore sick for a week..yesterday oni 70% recover..den tis morning sore throat again..i was scare tat i cant sing keep on drinking honey and water in the chose to sing penny's song..the song's title juz oni one "how"..started practise tat time really hav 0% confident on myself..becoz too long din sing tis song ard and not so easy to sing aso..i started thinking tat is tis song suitable for me to sing???xin, jun,wen and fen gav different opinions to me..but i insisted to sing tis song..haizz..really no mood to do other stuffs including homework aso..maybe is becoz too nervous ard..cant sleep well i oni realised tat im tis kind of person..haha..bad or gud??O.o

i was the last paticipant in the sit there and wait until my name has been called..before tat my frens lied tat they will go to tuition..but..they all stay there and support me until the end leh!!erm..of coz not oni support me larr..i was so hepy leh!!thanks to yi xin, yue fen,zhu jun, huey wen,wai kien, meng hua, wei hoong, sam, kar thye and others!!thank you very much!!i love u all!!^^they wrote my name on their hands leh when i started to sing..really terharu oo!!nobody did tat to me before...@@

particularlly i wanna thanks yi xin oh..u gav me a lot of courage and support..helped me to build up my confident when i was weak..even listen me to sing through the phone..thx thx thx..mucksss...^^

i fulfilled my task..i sang completely..haha..erm..the result will be came out on monday..nervous wei..haha..hopefully got good news larr..^^ so sorry to yue fen so selfish..juz practised my solo song..almost forget our 2nd audition for mbs idol..sorry sorry sorry err..T.Tpromise u..i will practise well in tis 2 days..and sunday i also will go find u and practise de..^^gambateh oh!!!we can pass de!!

erm..2molo is our school's academic day..all parents are invited to my mum will go to school oo..haha..and we will hav a gathering among confucian old frens..hav fun oo..@@

Thursday, July 2, 2009

MBS idol & Chinese Cultural Society Singing Competition...

Busy again tis week..althought im not the organiser for telematch or other activities..i had played my part for being a 100% Morianz's supporter...haha..^^erm..unfortunately we lost in football match and basketball match..haizz..only few marks they lost..erm..never mind ba..u guys are the best in my heart!!Morianz boleh!!

Sore throat tis morning..bcoz yesterday shouted for an hour to support Morianz's team..i was scare tat i cant sing well in da chinese singing competition..erm..2.30pm sharp..i walked slowly into the!!many students was listening to the audition..OMG!!i was damn scare man!!huh..i told myself..muz calm down..dont be nervous..take it easy..lik go singing k lik tat..but i cant manage to do tat..i scared i will forget the turn..all my frens gave applause to me..gav me courage..Wow..sang for 1 min..lik sang for one hour..i never felt tat singing was so really appreciated those who take part in the society's singing competition ..luckily i can sang all my part..huh..hopefully can enter final oo..hehe..

after tat..went to see da mbs idol's audition..walao..most of them sang very well..erm..yue fen and i oni decided to take part before the audition was ended..we sang in group..hope tat we can pass the audition aso..gambateh!!hehe..

tel me wad..meng hua they all came close to me and congrats to me..i was so curious..i tot they congrats me for completing my singing part..they told me tat i was one of the best seniors..OMG!!i never expect tat will happen and i sao forgot hav tis thing liao..thx for supporting me yaa..really surprising me..haha..

quite tired oo..wanna go to do my stuffs larr..bubbye..ciao..@@

Monday, June 29, 2009


this song's lyrics very meaningful..a very nice song..enjoy..^^

Saturday, June 27, 2009


erm..don feel lik updating blog..quite tired tis week..many stuffs nid to settle..but quite hepy bcoz everything goes smoothly..erm..lower sixes are having their orientation weeks while upper sixes aso having our testimonial week and paid the additional school fees..busy finding the teachers before school started, during recess time or after school..when filling the form, i realised tat im really not tat active in school's activities anymore..not lik last time..took part in many many activities..haizz..nvm larr..everything ard experienced before..tat's enuf larr..juz concentrate on study lorr..hehe..^^

got KE meeting on tuesday..quite rush aso bcoz wanna finiz the last two RM and RP..i had ard finiz my stuff in the meeting so i requested to leave early..but im not really dun understand..i had ard finiz my work..and aso the 1st time request to leave the meeting early..y not allowed me to do so!!anyway..luckily i can finiz all RM and RP in two days..

received a bad news on wed nite..really sad!!never noe he is this kind of suppose to say tat ard noe he is tis kind of person..juz cant believe tat he will did sumthing until lik tis!!totally disappointed on him!!i cant tahan ard!!scolded him in the class..i think whole class heard wad i said..before scolding him..i think for quite long time..bcoz i noe..after scoldig him sure cant be a fren wif him ard..but i did my him anymore..1st time..1st time thing become worst until lik tis..haizz..speechless..T.T

really not wan 2 angry u de..juz when u emo tat time really make ppl hav hard feeling lorr..erm..not 1st time liao..i hope to tell u lorr..being a good fren is when she or he did wrong muz advise her de..and aso alwiz care for her really din feel it..alwiz leave me behind de..think baq wad u had done or wad u had said during the time u doing experiment report..sometime no matter how mad u are..juz dont vent ur anger to someone lorr..i noe tat maybe having bad mood tat time really feel lik disturbing when ppl talking wif u..but anyway juz control urself lorr..i say all this not wan to scold or wad larr..juz wanna let u noe how i feel and aso remind myself larr..maybe i dont noe how u think...juz tell me lorr..fine..

Good Bye, loved dog..T.Tcant expected tat u juz left me lik tis..WHY!!y everything juz leave me without telling me!!!WHY!!i regret!!i din treat u well when u are here..haizz..i will cherish everything tat is wif me now..before u left, i ard noe how to more cherish everything!!

went to pavillion wif xin on thrusday..watched transformer:revenge of the fallen..damn nice err!!u guys muz go to watch sure will watch again wif my classmates de..hehe..talked a lot wif xin..hehe..i think we noe each other well rite now..and dont worry about ur problems ba..all will gone hepy!!k?^^

2day is menghua's birthday..hepy birthday again..^^2day's durian nice?haha..hope u enjoy it week is telematch's week..u guys gambateh oo..i will alwiz support u all de..morianz boleh!!@@

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day~

2day is Farther's Day..many families place more important on Mother'S Day..for me aso the same..but we still got celebrate wif father lik having a dinner outside or go shopping t2gether..tis year..we cant celebrate wif father bcoz father is working at ipoh..he cant come baq to year we celebrate grand'father' 's day..haha..we had our lunch at midah's restaurant..very nice tat food..hehe..erm..althought last time celebrate wif father but brothers and i do not hav tat courage to wish father..we are not tat close wif father bcoz he is a strict father..we seldom talk wif him..anything nid help sure oni will find mum..i really dun understand why we cant lik others..can make joke wif father..can be 'fren' wif father..anything happen can find father..we cant!!why!!why muz hav a 'gap' there!!T.Tbut..we still love our father very much..i dont hav tat courage to wish in front of u..juz wish u here ba..HAPPY FATHER'S DAY..^^

Went to yamcha wif 2 frens in midah's old year din see them liao..erm..not much change larr..we talked a lot..very funny leh..hehe..both of them older than me 2 years of them got gf liao oh..congrats oh..hehe..still remembered last time u alwiz say to me tat u very shy to noe u are the 1st one hav gf good..hehe..and in help college aso good least u are hepy wif wad u are doing now rite?hehe..erm..suddenly remembered when we working 2gether tat time..although oni 1 month we worked 2gether..ard very hepy oo..hehe..nice nice..^^here are some photos oo..not much..hehe..

my favourite drink in old town

hon and i^^

chung ang i^^

hehe hehe^^

Saturday, June 20, 2009







Sunday, June 14, 2009


quite busy tis few days...almost everyday went out..erm..let me recall baq..==tuesday(9/6) i went to sing k wif xin..tis was the 3rd time went to sing k in this holidays..quite fun..hehe..going wif different frens hav different kind of feeling..but all are good feeling..hehe^^i saw a pair of shoes tat day..very nice..but quite expensive so i decided not to buy it..its fine..^^

wed(10/6) usual..we hav our tuition class at 230 pm..after finiz, i met up wif my frens at midvalley..becoz we noe tat there had a promotion fair by selling the mascara..we can get 50% off if we bring the old one to replace the new one..erm..not bad larr after using it..hehe..i get used to apply cosmetic often hence im willing to use spend money on nite, met wif an old fren aso..i went to bandar sg long find him..he brought me to a very nice restaurant..ermm..called Susan's Bistro..i was very hepy bcoz i ate the spaghetti tat i expected long time again..last 2 months i keep on finding the restaurant tat got a nice spaghetti..finally i got it..hehe..there provided a very good environment for ppl to date and relax..i remembered tat place and sure will go again..Susan's Bistro wait me oo...hehe^^

fri(12/6) frens recommended some new frens for me..quite hepy aso can chat wif them..i took my lunch wif them b4 going to match 2009 had fren represented wilayah B team..the 1st opponent team was from fren lost..haizz..i aso don hav the chance to see bcoz the match was started at 915pm..too late ard..i had promised u to watch ur 2nd match so i went to watch..hehe..

yesterday..many thing happen..erm..where to start my story lehh...erm..i went to fetch xing around 4pm and reached MABA around 425pm..the match had began..i saw my fren was 'fighting' for tis team..hehe..quite excited..for the 1st quarter..haizz..they lost 15 marks..and for the 2nd and 3rd quarters..they suddently become like very serious..i can felt tat..and of coz finally my fren's team win luu...^^77/72..quite near are some photos..enjoy~erm..don hav not so nice err tat photos..paiseh paiseh..=="

my supported team^^

dunno doing wad..=="

my fren is no.10^^



loser T.T

no.14 leng lui but cant get her face ==

while waiting my fren went home to bath..xing and i went to sg wang shopping awhile..hehe..tis time..we bought a belt..and used it after the payment too..erm..we reached pavillion around 8pm..1st we went to buy movie's ticket..we decided to watch blood:the last vampire..1045pm quite late ohh...but nvm, there is enuf time for us to chat..hehe..after tat,we went to wong kok cha chan teng to have our dinner..the food not bad ohh..but the drinks..weird weird de..hehe..anyway..not bad larr..and the environment aso nice oo..good place for dating aso..hehe..^^

tat movie quite nice is worth to watch too..1st time watch tis kind of movie..still got a lot of movies wanna watch..hope tat i got time to watch all..hehe..lik drag me to hell, angle and demons, and hannah montana:the movie..^^

can see KLCC ^^
hehe hehe...^^

nice nice^^

friendship forever@@

haizz..miserable accident 1ST TIME.........1st time traffic accident..sob sob..really unfortunate..T.T after finiz our movie at around 1230am..i wanna fetch my frens home..we miss the road tat we nid to enter so went to another road..1st time drive along the road..we cant see the road clearly..i cant even realised tat i had drove in the wrong lane..haizz..unluckily crashed wif a car..the car owner was a malay..both of us aso dunno wad to my fault..T.T...i shud see clearly or took another roads tat i noe to go..haizz..the malay said tat area alwiz got accident happened..the roads were very messy..can go here and there..we dunno how to solve tis problem..and tat time was ard 130pm..very late we juz left our hp no. and contact again next day..luckily nobody was injured..juz the cars 'injured'..haizz...nid to repair cars..nid to pay..T.T...I cant sleep the whole nite..sob sob..2day morning..went to traffic police station to make a report..i met him..the malay boy..i got fine..nid to pay rm200..haizz..our cars will send to workshop for repairing..i really wanna cry liao oh..but i didnt cry..if last time happen tis kind of thing im sure cry until dunno wad to do..hehe..a weird thing happen..i think now the malay and i become frens ard..he got chat through sms..we was very funny..haha..get one more fren..not bad aso..hehe..

anyway..i got a new experince..even thought it was bad but at least i learn something..i noe wad to do..erm..wanna sleep reopen really haven ready for tis..but 2molo can see all my schoolmates aso not bad larr..hehe..nitez nitez..^^

the malay's car

my car T.T

Monday, June 8, 2009


really busy tis few days..erm..many things happen in tis few days..very tired..><

at my hometown..very relax..hehe..i can do wadever i wanna wadever i wanna eat..but i din eat much larr..wanna loss weight..hehe^^wad i sure can do thing i din lik is damn hot there!and a lot of mosquitoes aso!i cant sleep well tis three days..haizz..i remembered the joys of my childhood here..wanna take photo at where the place i growth..and wad i usually did here..but the weather is too hot..lazy time baq to kl tis morning..miss my bed so much..hehe..^^

5/6.. tis day was yue fen's birthday..we went to wan jing's house to hav our bbq party at the morning , we went to school to do our experiment..after tat..i went to meet up wif my frens..we went to sing k..hehe..sorry err meng hua,huey wen,zhu jun and wai kien..i had promised to fetch u all to wan jing's house..but i cant manage to do tat..haizz..sorry again..i was late..reached tesco around 5pm..we bought some bbq stuffs..and went baq to wan jing's house tat time..we went into wrong lane..really unlucky..haizz...we blocked by policemen..i keep on say sorry to the policemen..cant escape and finally gav the RM30..erm..'rasuah' them..hehe..bbq had started around 8pm..erm..1st time i played until so crazy..haha..1st time played tennis...1st time swam at nite..really relax..hehe..and of coz we celebrated yue fen and xiau jing's birthday..erm..they all went baq around 1030pm..and still left wai kien,huey wen,zhu jun,yue fen,hon kent,kar thye,wan jing,wan jing's brother and i chated at wan jing's house until 4am..hehe..we talked a lot..then huey wen,zhu jun and yue fen stay over nite at my home..we reached home around 5am..and chat awhile oni sleep..hehe..sorry oh..10am woke u all up ard..bcoz i nid to go baq to ipoh so force to wake u all up and sent u all to take lrt oo..erm..anyway..really hav fun tat day..hehe^^

2day(8/6)..reached home at 11am(from hometown) old fren called me out to watch movie and yam cha oo..long time din see him mum keep on asking me..bcoz i alwiz say go out wif old frens..long time din see them..she tot i go out wif the same larr..different frens i oni realised..i got a lot of frens..i wont frens again..frens are alwiz around me..thanks u all..alwiz be wif me..hehe^^

i watched 'monsters vs aliens'..tis movie quite fun oo..haha..all monsters are very cute..@@ then, we went to eat month din eat ard..actually just a short time din eat..maybe used to it gua..lik to eat sushi..wad to do..hehe..we talked a lot..i think i become a very talkative person ard..alwiz talk and talk non stop..wakaka..damn fun when talked wif him..thx oh mr.tan..hehe..1st time call u lik tis..sound lik very old liao..hehe..never mind larr..older than me 16 days also consider old liao..wakakaka...remember wad u had promised me worr..u sure forget de..hehe..

haha..very late is 1230am..wanna sleep luu..2molo go out wif my best fren oo..sure have fun 2molo..hehe..nitez nitez..

TaGgEd by Yue Fen...

001. Real name → Tang Li Wah
002. Nickname(s)→dai ga jie, wah wah, tai lek wah...
003. Zodiac sign → capricorn
005. Male or female → Female
006. Elementary → Tadika Miki
007. Middle School →SRJK (C) Chung Kwo
008. High School → SMK Confucian
009. College School → high school ( MBS )
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → Long
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet + Loud
013. Sweats or Jeans →Erm..dunno whats this mean..
014. Phone or Camera → Phone+camera
015. Health freak →err ..okok larr..
016. Drink or Smoke? → drink (sometimes), NO smoke..
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → yes !!!
055. Waiting for →true love
058. Want kids?→sure
059. Want to get married? → yup
060. Careers in mind → anything is fine...

068. Lips or eyes → Eyes
070. Shorter or taller? → Taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both
074. Sensitive or loud→ either one..
075. Hook-up or relationship → nothing now..
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → its fine..
080. Lost glasses/contacts → contacts
081. Ran away from home → Never
82. Held a gun/knife for self defense → NO
083. Killed somebody → NO !
084. Broken someone's heart → I think..
085. Been arrested → NO
087. Cried when someone died → yes!!

089. Yourself → Yup!(100%)
090. Miracles → Yes !! of course ..
091. Love at first sight →Not Really
092. Heaven → YEs !!!
093. Santa Claus → Not really
094 Tooth Fairy → NO
095. Kiss on the first date→ ERrr comment..

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now →Erm..hehe..^^
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → Yes 100%
099. Do you believe in God → YEs ..
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people.--erm..i think most of them had been tagged..

Thursday, June 4, 2009


reached school almost 9am 2day..i tot i was late and my frens had ard finiz the experiment..luckily they are still doing when i reached..finiz the experiment before 10am..we juz followed our plans..went to sing k and watch movie..but before tat, we fetched meng hua baq home to change his cloth..all girls followed my car except yue fen..she walked to sungai wang wif her boy boy and the others..we talked a lot in the car..felt good..hehe..

we reached sungai wang on time..but when we walked in to the room,i felt quite disappointed because only 13 persons presented..erm..i aspected around 20 persons de..nvm larr..less ppl aso can sing..tis time samuel aso joined us..we sang a lot of songs..i told myself..muz sing happily and don let the lyrics affect me..i cannot cry in front of the public again..last few times alwiz cannot control myself..sure will cry..tis time..haizz..aso the same..when we sang 'cha jian er guo', i started crying..fortunately oni hui xian noe i cried..she advised me..thx hui xian..if let others noe,they sure will laugh at me..tis song..u used it to describe urself come go to sing k wif the others still will think of u..and a weird thing happen when we paid the bill..everyone aso paid ard but still less matter how we calculate aso dunno where the money gone..finally we all pay one ringgit more..its ok..

after tat,we went to pavillion watched movie..we watched 'nite at the museum'..while waiting for the movie start..we went to eat jco's donuts..very nice..hehe..tis movie very funny and it's worth to watch..i saw many leng zaiss 2day..haha..quite happy..and saw 'ur' brother 2day..he juz walked in front of me..but he didnt see me..i aso not dare to call him..dunno y..

tot 'u' will join us for movie tim..still remember u said u lik to watch movie..erm..of course will oni watch nice movie..introduce 'u' a movie here..'nite at the museum'..really very time go and watch ba..hehe..erm..viewed 'ur' blog just now..'u'..wanna be wif somebody rite now?really?

very tired err..reached home at 8pm..den did a lot of stuffs just now..went to buy some stuffs for 2molo's bbq..sorted out my bedroom..because jun,wen and fen will come to my house and stay over nite here..and aso prepared the thing tat i need to bring baq to ipoh..go baq to ipoh on saturday..hope tat 2molo hav a very fun bbq..and if can we will go and watch midnite movie...hehe..

wanna sleep luu..2molo 8am need to reach skol..ciao..^^

Thursday, May 28, 2009



没有你...我真的不好过...表面好像掩饰得很好...可是并没有人知道我内心在想些什么...即使是很了解我的你也不一定知道...就像我也不知道你在想些什么一样...我会控制自己不去想太多...情绪控制得比以前好了...可是每当想到你的时候,心就会很痛, 眼泪很自然的自己就会掉下来了...心里的感受又会有谁知道呢?多少的悲伤,多少的后悔,多少的遗憾...能够衡量吗?如果能够都把这些换成快乐那就好了...它们已经在我内心地底里发了芽,是永远都存在的...很多时候都很想开口跟你说话,可是都一直不敢...要开口但是却收回了...很尴尬,很无奈...不敢看你的眼睛...每看你的眼睛一次,心就会揪一次...T.T




Monday, May 11, 2009

Spe@KinG*** was over...

i was very stress this few days..bcoz 2day was my muet speaking test and mid year exam is coming soon..i reached SMK Victoria at around 730am..den went to register..i was happy that i was same group wif yue fen and evenlyn..we just waited at the waiting room for one and a half hour..finally,our gruop has been called by the examinor..we all felt very nervous and scare..we walked slowly to enter da examination hall..i think this is my 1st time walking so slow in my life..hehe..both of the examinors are gud enuf..they interacted wif us before we started our test,seem like wanna calm us down..hehe..THANKS GOD..i got the easiest point and i can fulfilled my task on time..hehe..really happy happy..

after tat, we went to school to continue our school lesson..but dunno y..after recess, i was not so happy and felt very tired..yue fen asked me y i was so quiet..actually im aso dunno WHY..

very tired oh..wanna go rest for a while..hehe..

Saturday, May 9, 2009


2day is wesak's day..i followed vegetarian diet..i hav received an important call after finishing my lunch..and 1st time so rush to his house without any preparation..really unbelievable..hehe..i cant reached his house on time but 40 minutes for me to back home from temple, go out again and finally reached his house was better than last time rite?hehe..

we went to klcc..we went there to settle my maxis number's stuff..i wanna upgrade my maxis number to 3G..unfortunately,i left my identity card in the first, i tot that i was ard registered my number few years ago so might not nid my identity card anymore..when there was my turn, the 'girl' requested for my IC and i just said i left it in my car..but wad she said i will remember forever..she said 'if u don hav ur IC then how am i going to identity u?'..i felt very embarrassing..OMG!haizz..all is my fault..i shudn't leave my IC inside the car..sob sob..

finally, i went back to the car there took my IC and Q again then only get the thing i wan..haizz..becoz of tis..i lost my oppotunity to watch movie wif him liao..haizz..erm..paise paise err..wan him accompanied me go here and there..and 'waste' sure will bring along all tis important stuffs all the time liao..hehe..

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Are u an obedient person?Is it very hard to be an obedient person?It's not..But why so many times u are trying to advise me to be an obedient person,im so stubborn to ignore and disobey wad u so sorry..i can do it..i can be an obedient person..i noe i can..i trust myself..

2day i followed vegetarian diet..i noe u intend to eat shakey pizza but i cant eat so finally we went to eat donuts..thank you..and..1st time made u played basketball so time i wont let u feel unhappy time change place to play oo..tat place not gud..hehe..

now is the time to do my minute reports oo..

Friday, May 1, 2009

1st time

hey everyone..^^So hepy that i hav created a new blog here..hehe..1st time to post oo...

bout yesterday~1st time took out so much money to buy a very significant stuff..tat way i took tat money out is funny enuf..hehe..i think i wont forget it in my whole life..i think for more than a month oni decided to buy it..really feel sorry to u tat the month oni say wanna buy it without taking any's worth enuf to buy tis stuff..i never feel regret and hepy can buy it..hehe..thanks to u for helping me a lot so that i can buy tis stuff..hepy hepy..^^muz cherish it oo~

2day~tis morning i had promised myself for not saying a word again..althought it is happen 2 me avday..i muz control it and not let it to control me..tis is wad can i say..woke up early in the morning 2 do my tuition homework b4 going to tuition..930am until 200pm..1st time tuition so many hours..after tis wanna go for a movie but quite disappointed bcoz tat movie we wanna watch not nice so we jz had our lunch oni..2day..i realized tat avtime wad i wan to do muz do but alwiz ignore the important thing around me..never think about other's feeling..jz do wad i wan or i so sorry..sob sob..erm..quite excited when we decided to play basketball in the evening but when we reached there no place for us to play..haizz..tat time really feel lik wanna talk wif the guys who r playing and let me play..disappointed..but suan ba..sure hav chance de..hehe..^^